Habit Building Companions

How can virtual pets help us work towards our goals? This is a mixed reality concept exploring how we can translate our urge to care for virtual pets into a motivation to help ourselves develop habits.




Design Concept

Rapid Prototyping


Unity 3D



This project was born from the parallel identified between the sense of gratification we feel when we successfully care for virtual pets and when we accomplish our personal goals. That similar sense of pride in our efforts led me to link these two seemingly independent experiences to one another. In this project, I wanted to see how behaviorally contextual reminders can provide users with the opportunity to get the immediate gratification they need to be positively reinforced for habit-building.

So, how can caring for virtual pets help build habits in users?

In his book, author Nir Eyal describes a habit as a "behavior done with little or no conscious thought." He describes the process of building a habit-driven strategy in products as the Hook Model, "a looping cycle that consists of trigger, an action, a variable reward, and continued investment." Borrowing this model, I outlined the trigger, action, variable reward, and investment of having habit building companions (virtual pets).

Hook Model by Nir Eyal

With this model and the general concept in mind, I moved onto sketching and building out the experience. Below are documentation of the user journey and user flow.

Mapping out the User Flow

User Journey Close-up


Rapid prototyping in Unity

I prototyped the main experience mapped out above on Unity in AR, including the sign up and onboarding, reminder, two reactions sequences to the reminder, and collection scene. In order to build this experience, I imported UI assets I created on Figma, and the pet models and their respective animation created on Blender.

process image 1
process image 3
process image 4
process image 4

Final Documentation

Onboarding sequence
Reminder sequence 😊
Reminder sequence 😔
Accomplished goals ✔


Introduction of a new pet
Pet positive reaction to user acting on their goal reminder
Pet negative reaction to user ignoring their goal reminder
View your collection of successful pets!
Final Thoughts


What if users were rewarded with external benefits as well?

Taking a look back at the Hook Model, we can expand on the Variable Reward and Investment of this experience when we consider users receiving external rewards to help motivate them in building action-based habits. What if users could earn points to gain access to better health insurance or financial services plans through this experience? Below are quick sketches to depict what could happen if health insurance companies rewarded users with successful health and wellness oriented goals.

User sees the progress on their Health and Wellness oriented goals (1/3)
A gift pops up in front of the user when they complete the requirements for health insurance plan prize (2/3)
User receives their prize, a discounted price on a desirable health insurance plan (3/3)

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